D.C.United and its charitable arm, United for D.C., announced today details for theSixth Annual United for D.C. Day, celebrated during the United vs. Real SaltLake home game Saturday, September 24. United for D.C. Day will featureopportunities throughout the day to recognize and support the club’s charityand its signature programs: Kicks for Kids, United Reads and United SoccerClub. Kick-off for the match is set for 7:30p.m. ET.
Pre-gameevents will feature several great opportunities for fans to learn about andsupport the foundation and its programs. The D.C. United Sidekicks – comprisedof D.C. United player’s wives, girlfriends, and family members – will set up abooth between Gates A and B from 5:30-7:30 p.m. to sell items belonging totheir significant others, including anything from game-worn cleats and soccergear to autographed National Team memorabilia. At Main Gate, baskets consistingof the players’ ‘favorite things’ will be raffled from 6 p.m. to halftime.These packages include items featuring D.C. United players’ favoriterestaurants, movies, snacks, and more.
D.C.United’s four supporters groups – Screaming Eagles, La Barra Brava, La Norte,and District Ultras – will assist United for D.C.’s fundraising efforts byraffling unique D.C. United goods such as pint glasses and autographed items intheir respective tailgates.
Throughoutthe night, the D.C. United Team Store will have a point of sale donationoption, in which each customer will be asked to make a $2 donation atcheckout. RFK Stadium concessionaire,Centerplate, will show its support by donating a portion of their cotton candysales to United for D.C.
Athalftime, children from three United Soccer Club sites, Turkey Thicket, FortDavis and FBR @ The ARC will have a chance to play on the pitch, showcasingskills learned at United for D.C.’s signature program.
D.C.United players Santino Quaranta, Clyde Simms, and Dwayne De Rosario will supportthe event by pledging money for their on-field accomplishments during the gameand the team result. In addition, United’s players will wear a United for D.C.patch on their uniforms, and one special edition jersey will be auctioned offfor Man of the Match the following week.
TheSixth Annual United for D.C. Day will wrap up after United’s match with acelebration at D.C. United bar partner Biergarten Haus, located at 1355 H St.Biergarten Haus will donate 5% of the post-game proceeds to United for D.C.
In addition to these initiatives, United forD.C. will organize contests on Facebook and Twitter the weeks before and afterUnited for D.C. Day. You can follow United for D.C. at www.facebook.com/unitedfordc andwww.twitter.com/unitedfordc.
Founded in 2002,United for D.C. serves youth and families with a focus on healthy lifestyles,literacy and education, and improving life skills. United Soccer Club, sponsored by theU.S. Soccer Foundation, Volkswagen, Gallup and The D.C. Department of Health,is one of the many community outreach ventures of United for D.C. Othersinclude the Kicks for Kids program, through which thousands of underprivileged childrenwill have an opportunity to watch United play this season, as well as UnitedReads, currently presented in six DC elementary schools. This programdistributes nearly 8,000 books during player visits throughout the year.
For more information on Unitedfor D.C. or any of its signature programs, please visit www.unitedfordc.org or contact Aprile Pritchet at202-587-5453 or apritchet@dcunited.com.