Hello, from Devon McTavish

Hello, from Devon McTavish - 042908_Devon_head_P.jpg

The following was written by Mr. Devon McTavish, D.C. United's defender.. er, midfielder. -Kyle

So, it was back to work today for us at the RFK practice facility - well, some of us at least. Others are still trying to get back from rolling their ankle against Columbus almost two weeks ago. Yeah, that'd be me. Since I'm not practicing today, they're making me earn my paycheck by working up in the front office. I've been copying papers, getting coffee for the interns, mundane things like that all morning. This is what always happens when I get injured. I mean, management told me it's in our contracts, so I'm sure they wouldn't lie about that right? Maybe I should check on that... 

Anyway, since I've finished all my chores up here in the office I get to head down to the locker room to rehab my ankle. It's much better, thanks for asking, and it shouldn't be too long before I'm back out on the field trying to learn how to finish like Gallardo does! Are you kidding me with his full volley upper corner goal Saturday night?! GOOD GOSH! Have a great day!

-Devon (dieciocho)